A podcast

show dedicated to chatting to your Mum and mine.

Ever wondered what life was like for your Mum before you? Me too. I know we’re obviously the shining stars of our parents lives, but how often do we get to hear about more than just the repeat stories from family event gatherings? Let’s get into it.

Rachael Emde


Lover of aeroplanes, hockey, the ocean, and my Mum!

One warm afternoon Mum and I were swimming in the pool together chatting and it occurred to me that I learned a ton from her, and am still learning a lot about her. From opinions today to travels and activities in the past.

During a research project in 2023 I interviewed a couple of women about significant events from their history. Quickly I realised that the questions asked in the interviews lead to wholesome stories about the women’s lives that they themselves commented that they had not had an opportunity to share with their children or families to date.

And thus I thought why not get to know my Mum and yours, together!

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Angie Emde


Lover of the outdoors, backyard pool swims, and time with her two daughters.

(Cute right, even better because I, Rachael, have written this whole spiel for her)

The biased opinion and truth is that Angie is pretty damn amazing. From always being there for me and my sister, to having owned multiple businesses, leaving home at 17, lifestyle blogs started, and chief advisor to her husband, and my Dad, Angie has gone through the rollercoaster that life is.

Currently Angie helps women live a more balanced life, focusing on steps that lead to a positive and productive change. And hopefully we can learn more from her perspective and outlook on life together.

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